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Showing posts from September, 2024

The International Communist Study Group

 The International Communist Study Group (ICSG) has begun holding bimonthly meetings online. We currently conducting a study on Marxist attitudes towards fascism and the anti-fascist struggle. Our September book is Fascism and Dictatorship by Nicos Poulantzas, which analyses how the Third International analysed fascism and some of the mistakes that it made. Poulantzas comes very close to Trotsky's critique of the Comintern's approach to anti-fascist organising, both during the Third Period and the later Popular Front.  In October, the International Communist Study Group will commemorate the 100th anniversary of Lenin's death by reading a book related to Lenin (either some works by Lenin or a book like Reminisciences of Lenin by Krupskaya). As Lenin's works remain a guiding light for revolutionaries around the world, we wish to  remain true to Leninism and its revolutionary communist vision. Our hope is to engage with Lenin in order to bring his teachings to life within