This text is a draft from the Programme of the United Communists of Europe. It represents a sincere effort of our organisation to address the issue of transgender liberation. We argue that just like other oppressed groups, the liberation of trans people is bound with the working class struggle for socialism. As we carry out our programmatic discussions, this document will develop further. The liberation of transgender people is a key issue facing the communist movement worldwide. Despite being an oppressed minority, trans people continue to be undertheorised within Marxist theory. There have been a few books that address trans liberation within a Marxist paradigm, such as Trangender Marxism by Jules Gleeson and Elle O'Rourke, as well as a number of pamphlets, such as Transgender Liberation by the Workers World Party. In contrast to this, there are also a number of Marxist organisations that take an explicitly transphobic stance, such the Communist Party of Britain and the (expelle...