The central task of the United Communists of Europe is to lay the foundation for the organisation of the communist party. Through our programmatic intervention, we hope to enable revolutionaries to create new communist organisations that express the revolutionary politics of the proletariat. With our politics, which are rooted in revolutionary Marxism, we hope to provide everything that is needed to transform the working class into a politically conscious proletarian subject, with a clear vision of its needs and interests. In this article, we would like to address what constitutes the communist party and how it differs from bourgeois parties. A bourgeois party is the political unification of the bourgeoisie on a programmatic basis in order to enact policies that advance and protect the system of capitalist property. This is made possible by the bourgeoisie's monopoly on state-power, which it uses to enforce its legislation, repress the proletariat and advance the class interests o...
In this article, we explain how revolutionary Marxists approach organised religion. Contrary to bourgeois humanists or atheists, we approach organised religion from a historical materialist standpoint, viewing it as a reflection of the material conditions. Our attitude towards religious workers is informed by a united front perspective, which unites with religious workers around shared objectives while maintaining our political independence and agitating against religious leaders. Marx famously once said that religion is 'the opium of the masses'. What he meant by this concerns the relationship of religious consciousness to social reality. Marx was not simply identifying religion with ignorance or advocating a simplistic atheism. His view was not that a religious person is backward or inherently reactionary. To understand Marx's position, one must understand the social function of opium. In Marx's time until the forties, opium was used as a painkiller and an anaesthet...