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Our Attitude Towards Cuba, China and Vietnam

In this short statement, the United Communists of Europe explains its attitude towards China, Cuba and Vietnam. We view these countries as progressive social formations, in which there is a real possibility of socialist transformation. Our comrades unite with the left-wing of the communist parties of China, Cuba and Vietnam. 

The attitude of the United Communists of Europe towards countries like Vietnam, China and Cuba is to view them as progressive social formations, which are unable to fully develop because of hostile surrounding imperialist countries. Internally--especially in China--this has led to the growth of market relations and the bureaucratisation of the Communist Party. In China's case, capitalism has been introduced, although Chinese capitalism is not identical to capitalism in Europe or the United States. Because the Communist Party still holds power, and since remnants of socialist planning still exist, the possibility of a socialist transformation remains in China. The Communist Party of China is not a bourgeois party, and the Chinese bourgeoisie does not control it. Rather, it is a working class party dominated by a pro-capitalist faction led by Xi Jinping, which wants to further develop capitalism in China. There are still a number of factions in the CPC, which oppose the restoration of capitalism China and want to put it back on the socialist road. It is these leftist factions--both within and outside the CPC--that we unite with and support. It makes no sense to call China an imperialist country, although it plays a hegemonic and dominant role in some parts of the world (notably Southern Africa). China is still a transitional country, which is close to fully transitioning to capitalism, but in which the possibility of a socialist regeneration is a permanent possibility. 

The United Communists of Europe unites with the revolutionary Left in the communist parties of China, Cuba and Vietnam. We unite with those forces who want to take a socialist road, and who want to see revolutionary uprisings everywhere in the world. It is necessary also to unite with independent worker movements in Cuba, China and Vietnam in order to strengthen the forces to transform the communist party. Cuba remains a country with real potential, as it is far more open to Marxist debates and even allows the works of Trotsky to be circulated. 

Our attitude towards China, Cuba and Vietnam is to be critical, but not hostile. We especially oppose anti-China propaganda, and would defend the China in the case of an imperialist war against the Chinese people. China's future is bound up with revolutionary struggles in the region, as well as popular movements of workers and intellectuals inside China. If a revolution breaks out in India, for example, this would have an effect of the bureaucratised leadership of the Chinese Communist Party, creating the possibility for a revolutionary uprising against capitalism in China. We should thus view the communist parties in Cuba, China and Vietnam not as unitary organisations, but as parties with factions and internal contradictions. Our organisation unites with the revolutionary Left in these communist parties, supporting their struggles to fight against capitalist reforms and the restoration of capitalism. 

Despite being a bureaucratic organisation, we would oppose the overthrow of the Communist Party of China. This would be capitalised on by US imperialism and its regional allies, and a similar reactionary transformation to the one in Syria would follow. We would rather like to see genuine Marxists take back the CPC, overthrowing the bureaucratic leaders and especially the faction around Xi Jinping. The same is true for Cuba and Vietnam, although these countries have introduced far less capitalist reforms and still have a certain fidelity to revolutionary Marxism. Their main problem is a bureaucratic approach, which is largely the result of being surrounded by hostile imperialist powers and the introduction of limited market reforms.

--Oppose all imperialist attacks on China, Cuba and Vietnam! 

--Oppose anti-China propaganda, a tool of imperialism to turn back the gains of the Chinese Revolution!

--For the socialist regeneration of Chinese, Cuban and Vietnamese socialism!

--Oppose all capitalist reforms and attempts at capitalist restoration in China, Cuba and Vietnam!

--Unite with the Left in the communist parties of China, Cuba and Vietnam!

--For independent worker movements in China, Cuba and Vietnam, as a key to strengthen the forces of socialist transformation in these countries!

--For the unity of workers in Europe with the working people of China, Cuba and Vietnam!


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